introduction to the all new upgraded group and contact management system

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contacts management

Introduction to the all-new Upgraded Group and Contact Management System

We have changed and upgraded the Group system a bit with a futuristic view and more features like Tagging, Segmentation, and Automation.

With the advancing communication needs and personalization, it is important to maintain and manage contacts with effective techniques. Contact has not remained only contacts anymore. Contacts are data and their history and insights are now the part of Marketing and communication strategy which helps in the future growth of the Business.

The more we know about our contacts and their patterns, interests, and habits, the more it helps in building effective communication strategies resulting in the automatized personal approach and thus achieving our goals.

What’s New?

  1. Previously you were allowed to send an email campaign to Multiple Groups by selecting during a single campaign, but now you will be allowed to select only 1 Group at a time, but you can select Multiple Tags at a time, so again at this point Tags will be useful. In case you want to merge all your old groups into one group and define Tags to them, view this guide
  2. We also have introduced the Segmentation feature. This feature will be useful in cases where you want to send campaigns to Pre-Defined rules-based filtered contact. You can learn more about Segmentation here.
  3. We have introduced better filtration options for you while “Creating Campaigns” and also in “Manage Contacts” page
  4. We have removed the Page of “Manage Groups” and have merged the option and have given more options in “Manage Contacts” for better user experience.
  5. Now you also have an Additional Option of “Archive Contacts”.  This will help you retain your contact and their activity history instead of deleting the same. You can still delete the contacts, but in case you feel you will require the contact in the near future it will be advisable to Archive it. Archived contacts will not be counted toward subscriber billing. You can learn more about archived contacts here.
  6. You also have the option of “Manage Bounced” in this option you can now remove contact which is frequently bouncing.
  7. Under the New Group System, you have the facility to maintain different fields/Columns for different groups.
  8. Tags will be specific to one group, for other groups you will have to create separate tags.
  9. Previously, our system used to add all the contacts to which email has been sent using API or SMTP to “My Default Group” created when creating your account. But now you have given you more control. We have given you an Option to “Manage API Keys”. In this, by default, we give you 1 API key created during your account creation which can be used for SMTP as well as API authentication. Under this management tool, you can change the group in which you want to map your contacts. You won’t be able to delete the group which is linked to any of the API keys, so to delete any group you will have to blink it from any API Key it is associated with. Now you can also create multiple API Keys based on your various projects and use cases.
  10. For users of “Subscriber Based Monthly Plan” tags will help in maintaining fewer groups. In this plan, each Email-id is considered as a Subscriber if added in a Group. So if you add the same email id in another group then that email id will add to your subscriber numbers. So in order to reduce the count of the Subscriber, it is highly recommended that instead of adding the same email id in another group, use the Feature of (Newly Introduced) Tags. Tags will help you segment your group while sending your campaigns.

With so many changes together you might face certain issues to get acquainted with the new system, but we ensure you that it will be really useful for your contact management.

In case of any confusion you can get in touch with our support team, and they will try the best to make it a smooth transition for you.

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